Monday, September 26, 2011

When I wanted to get back...

Words. Was tempted to use them today - to hurt someone; to "say it like it is"; to offer a defense to someone against their baseless allegations that meant I had to show them the mirror; to show this person that I am a better person; to prove a point...

As I typed furiously, the words that began appearing on the screen made me stop. Scathing words stared back at me and even as I made an effort to justify them I was distraught at what I was intending to do.

I wanted to prove I am a better person. And in trying to do that I was moving away from the person I am - someone who has the capacity to forgive, to reconcile, to accept what cannot be changed, to love unconditionally, to give happiness and be happy.

I did send the email. It was devoid of hatred, animosity, vulgarity and severity. Maybe the recipient couldn't care about what I'd written because there was nothing in it to grab his attention... But it is ok...

At least I shall sleep tonight!