Monday, October 20, 2008

It was an innocent gesture that has left me wondering on the whys and hows of human nature.

On Sunday I was driving down a busy street to get to a Star Hotel where I was meeting the F&B Manager for a food feature I am writing for TOI these days. Before that I was to meet a friend and colleague at a bridge which flows over the famous Mula River in Pune (which is center point for both of us and where we have met several times to exchange documents/CDs and the like - work related stuff).

At a traffic signal, a gentleman on a motorbike asks me for directions to a certain landmark Mall. I explain it to him and as the light turns 'green' head my way, which is incidentally in the same direction!

At the next traffic signal, he stands a couple of vehicles to my left and gesticulates. I can see his destination and point it out to him. After the signal turns 'green' I speed off on my way.

After I park my car at the foot of the bridge and wait for my friend to turn up, the biker knocks on my window. 

Conversation ensues.

He thought I wanted him to follow me and so he does. He seems mighty embarassed that he did not understand the directions I gave him. I smile out of sheer politeness because I cannot (obviously) agree to his foolishness. (I mean, couldn't he read the sign boards screaming in bold RED?)

Nevertheless he introduces himself as the Manager of a Bank and gives me his VC. Again, out of sheer politeness I give him mine.

But wait. It is not just politeness. Ever since I have begun networking extensively for my newspaper stories, I have realised the value of passing on your VC to somebody. One day, I struck up a conversation with a complete stranger as the punctured tyre of my car was being repaired and exchanged VCs with him as well.

To cut a long story short, in a matter of one hour I received a long SMS from him, praising my direction giving abilities (How lame can one get!!!) with an invitation for coffee.

I sent him a curt reply asking him not to message me again.

Today he called me apologising for the message. I was curt again.

Something tells me he won't back off. 

I experienced something close to a stalking when a guy I'd interviewed for a job a few years ago started messaging me day in and day out, getting lewd and threatening all at once (if I didn't give him the job). For weeks I suffered until one day, my husband called him and promised to gather the Military Police (We were in the Indian Navy then) and have his limbs broken if he didn't stop messaging me.

I am feeling the same fear again. 

Harish has been guiding me on how to handle him if he dares call again. Else he will come to my rescue as he always has (in cinemas when men try to nudge or shove into parts of your body, in crowded places when men leer at you only because you are a woman, on public transportation...and the list seems endless......) 

I am also wondering why it takes the husband, father or brother to scare such people off. Why can't they take a "NO" from a woman as seriously?

Why won't they just LET US BE????????


Pretty Woman said...

It is indeed sad....and as a result, I have lost faith...I am scared of men! PERIOD!!

Anonymous said...

Remember Palaniamma - u wrote about her - educated women like you dont have to be scared about anything - u cant stop bad from being bad and at the same time all men are not bad - The reputation one builds over a lifetime can be ruined by even a rumour of a bad deed - its something similar.. some guys dont learn... not very simple to leave it... but still.. leave it...

Arunima said...

I was thinking you are going to write about goodness of strangers. I know these A*seholes never understand. I used to carry an umbrella to college to hit them.

But off the topic, you might be quite good looking is my thinking.

Anonymous said...

Mmm Like Arunima said .... I too have a feeling that you are a gooooooood looking lady... :)

AmitL said...

Hi,Ritu-a sad state of affairs,indeed...and,that surely goes down in the list of lame excuses'direction giving abilities'..hehe..hope the guy doesn't annoy you any more.

Unknown said...

Hey Janani: I agree... I am scared shit...

Hey Just Someone: I know I am strong..but sometimes such blatant aggression tends to throw you off..

Hey Arunima: Shall I just say that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder???

Hey Amit: I tell you...lamest ever excuse!!! And I hope he does not annoy me again as well!

Aathira Nair said...

I so agree with the men shoving around where they are completely unwelcome!

Once when I was at a cinema hall with my parents in Trivandrum, this guy started poking me from the seat behind with his toe ( I know... eeeewwww).Anyhow, I had a safety pin in my wallet, i promptly took it out and held it at the point where he was poking me. I heard a muffled yelp and then by intermission, he was not there, and I don' t think he came back also to complete the movie.

Unknown said...

Hi Aathira: I can so completely understand what you must've felt in the cinema. Kerala is quite bad for the female folk. As a college going girl, I had encountered quite a bit of the kind of behaviour you've mentioned.... It is sick... Pitifully, nothing has actually changed. I will write a post about one of my recent experiences in Kerala... Its worth an eeeeeewwwwwwww.....

rm said...

hi i think put some professionalism in ur approach. save the kindness and smile for a second meeting.

ur posts are so frm dressing ups .

Anonymous said...

Absolutely - so very from the heart - and so true to life - looking forward to more.

Unknown said...

Hey rm: Nice to see you here... Will take your advise seriously...

Hey Just Someone: Thank you.

kochuthresiamma p .j said...

like someone (caught in a similar situation)told me recently, a husband has his uses.
Jokes aside, think it's politeness on the woman's part that's the villain. look at them squarely in the eye and tell them to hang on while you call the police.

kochuthresiamma p .j said...

just saw your reference to kerala. would you like to check out the resonses i got to my post on mallu men being perverts.