Someone who never knew
How to say ‘NO’ to me
Those bike rides in the gullies of North Delhi
Or the four lane outer circle of CP
Cups of coffee at the IIT canteen (‘thaka hua’)
that I would compare to my ‘happening’ college canteen
And he would only smile serenely
Or garma garam chai at some roadside dhaba
at 4 am (or was it 5????)
After a nite of long partying with my crazy friends
(at some disco where we’d use him and his friends
“For entry purposes only”;
and dance the night away in wild abandon, flirting
with other men unabashedly)
While he would diligently escort us back
on bone chilling winter nights
I would be his pillion; (he always wanted me to….)
to our barsaati, waving goodbye at the gate
never asking to be let in
He was the first buddy I made
Having had a sheltered ‘convent-strictly-girls’ upbringing
I was surprised that we could be ‘friends’
A real friend who did
not expect more…not need more
unlike some of the other ‘boys’ I’d known then
He was special, to me, to my friends
We could pull his 6 ft 3 inches long frame
and he’d still just smile and blush sometimes
He was always especially nice to me….
My room mate noticed, but I was blind somehow
because I’d fallen in love….with another man;
His senior…..
I didn’t see…the love and longing
the jealousy and the discomfort
Didn’t understand his feelings…..
As I basked in the glory of an over powering love and a
madness I never knew I was capable of
I left him broken hearted
said his friends angrily (wondering why I’d called)
as I beseeched them frantically on the phone,
tears streaming down my face
to tell me how he could die
so young, at 24
Those long nights of endless, ceaseless crying
the tears, the agony, the pain, the hysteria, the torment
Nothing brought him back to me
Nothing eased the pain
No phone call, no letters, not a word
He left me nothing but the guilt of knowing that
he died a broken hearted man
14 years have gone by
I wonder if he knows
that I cared too…and that I would do
for one day with him
to make my peace
And I know, in my heart
he will not say ‘NO’
just as he never could…