Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Abhir

When you were just a baby, tiny and frail
I'd shed tears watching your travails

In one year you turned the tables around
As I spent one sleepless night after another cradling you as you howled

The terrible twos I thought would change the tide
But you traded a sleep pattern for "I love to cling to my mother and whine"..

At three you began hugging us but wiping away your cheeks when kissed
By four you discovered that cuddling was something you'd missed

At five your struggles found a new name - some call it dyslexia, some LD
We geared up for the battle as you struggled with your As and Zs

Six was a milestone year as you began opening up to friends
By seven you were a pro at social interactions

At eight we were elated to find that you had begun reading and enjoying it
And you began bowling us over with your intelligence, warmth and wit

At nine, my dear son, who I call "buddy boy"
You've beaten the odds and given us unsurmountable joy
You express yourself in words and actions
Your hugs, kisses and I love you's are miracles I bask in

As I wish you a Happy Birthday today, again, meri jaan
I can't help but marvel at the journey so far
And ask me if I'd change anything in the nine gone by
I'd say "No, I will do it in very much the same way, all over again..."


abhilash.p said...

u should read it to him.. :)

Rahmath said...

Happy Birthday Abhir !!!!!

Where is my chocolate????????

Wonderful poem Ritu. It was so sweet....

Unknown said...

May be in a few years Abhilash :-)

Thank you Rahmath :-) Your chocolate is right here... Come over to Pune and it's all yours :-D

Anonymous said...

What an absolutely wonderful piece...
Happy Birthday to him...
Just Someone

Rahmath said...

Hi Ritu,

I Posted my attempt on gratitude diary. Here's the link

Waiting for today's card :)

Unknown said...

Hey Rahmath

Will read your post shortly. Will also post card tomorrow. I am in the process of shifting and am still looking for a suitable apartment... Lagging behind myself too :-(((