Watching thirty thrilled faces
served as a stark reminder of how much the lucky take for granted. A walk in a
mall, window shopping, a movie in a multiplex, a meal in a restaurant - these
children had never experienced any of it. Neither had most of these adults.
On Tuesday however, things
changed. 25 children from Nirankar
Balgram, an orphanage in
Hadapsar, HOPE a day care Center for children of migrant workers and 4
Ataxia patients from the Ataxia Awareness Charitable Trust (AACT) enjoyed a day
out at Inorbit on the occasion of the Joy of Giving Week.
The story that appeared in the newspaper. Click to enlarge and read:
But this post is not about what we experienced (which cannot be encapsulated in words...I can only recall the ecstatic faces of the children and Ataxians). This one is to say Thank You to all the angels. You went beyond your 'call of duty' to give us the perfect outing, the perfect day....
Prahlad Misal - Employee of Inorbit rose up to a phone call that informed him of our arrival. From ensuring that the wheel chairs were ready to take the Ataxia patients to the multiplex and organising staff to help push them, he also saw to it that simple things like appropriate parking spaces were reserved for our cars to ease the transport of the wheel chair bound patients. Without him, technically, we would have been completely lost.... Thank you!
Umang Kanoria - the guy who brought smiles on 35 faces :-)
Owner of Indian Tadka and Sizzler Cafe in Inorbit, he sponsored the tickets, popcorn & coke inside the cinema and lunch at his restaurant... He opened his heart and brought immense happiness on the faces of the participants.... Thank you!
Ajay Mirgal, Inorbit employee who got a call from us and ensured we were guided to the right person (Prahlad) for our needs. Thank you!
And last but not the least, the team at Hope For the Children Foundation, Caroline, Neha, Yashoda, Nidhi, without whose hard work, support, commitment and dedication, even "thinking" about this event would have been impossible! Big big hug and thank you!
Thank you dear!
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