Friday, January 23, 2009

Birthday reminisces

Today I thought was a good day to collect my thoughts.

35 is a good mark to do so I think. I have thus far lived half my life, if I were to consider the average mortality rate of our country for women. I have thus far experienced half of what makes me the human being I am. 

And what momentous joyous years these thirty five have been!

Marked by love and success; some heart break, but a lot of lessons; some sadness, but also a lot of joy; some failures, but also a lot of acceptance of who I really am....

My battles: As a teenager, wife, a new mother, a woman and most importantly as ME...

My joys: As a girl looking for a father figure, as a woman in love, as a mother, as a woman....

My failures and my successes.....

At 35 I am content.

I have a wonderful family, a life partner without whom this life would be meaningless, adorable and adoring kids, a soul mate who gives me wings to fly, a career that I have built from a scratch, with my hard work and determination, and a life that is wholesome and complete.

I wanted to thank all the wonderful people who make my life worth the joy it is...each and everyone who has influenced me with their love, support, unstinting faith and friendship.

I love all of you and THANK you for being who you are!


Pretty Woman said...

Its so wonderful to hear that you are happy :) God bless you guys...finally that's what matters!! I love you too !!

Das said...

That's how life begins. It's agony and ecstacy from birth and goes on. Let history go by and await a new tomorrow. Bye & god bless.

Aathira Nair said...

Here is hoping you had a wonderful birthday.

I have a long way to go in all that you have listed, and take on life as a treasure to behold and look back on with the kind of love that I see in your words.

God Bless!

Unknown said...

Hey Janani: Thanks so very much.. I love u too... :-)

Hi Jayaram: Thank you for the wishes and the greeting.

Hey Aathira: thanks a ton dear!

The Seeker said...

That was so lovely to read,,, May God give you more joys and a little enough tests in life to keep you humane ever.....

WIsh you happyness all ways, always,

With fingers crossed forever,

Arunima said...

I hope I am able to say this when I am 35.


Unknown said...

Hi Barath.. That was so sweet and straight from the heart :-)

Hey Arunima: Well...all I can say is all the best :-)))) and of course, thank you!

Anonymous said...

Wow...the sense of gratitude which comes through. Its written that people with a sense of gratitude are generally happier.

On the other hand if you are taking something to keep the joy levels high..please let me in on the secret. :o)

Unknown said...

Hey paradox: I suppose whoever said that knew what the heck he was talking about!!!

And oh for the second part of your comment, yea... I am taking that little something called 'one day at a time'. Gives me the opportunity to OPEN all my senses to the joy of living. And it is all YOURS too... Just give it a thought!

Unknown said...

Baby...You have JUST ARRIVED...


Unknown said...

Thank u dear!!!!

AmitL said...

Oh,wow-wishing u a Very Happy belated bday,Ritu!!:)Great post,this one!!Loved this line'I am content'.:)

Unknown said...

Hey Amit: Thanks a ton... :-)

Agnes Rajesh said...

It was the most heart warming and happiest piece I have read in a while. And I am so happy for you and like Harish said, Yes! You have arrived. I wish you a very wonderful future and many more happier days for a fulfilling life. I am so glad you are my friend.